LB 250 bis (free) 10 years of La Vigie

With this issue 250, which marks the start of its eleventh year of publication, La Vigie reaches the magic number of 500 published posts. In their own way, they describe the stages and hazards of the decade of strategic transition that France has just undergone in Europe and Europe in the world.

So this is an opportunity to take stock of the decade. This annex to the regular issue will therefore take a different form: Each contributor will give his or her assessment, even those who have joined along the way: for once, the signatures will be individualised instead of the collective signature we are used to.

How short a decade is!

Launched in autumn 2014, La Vigie is primarily a fortnightly online publication. It certainly conducts other activities (studies, seminars, training, etc.) which are aimed at its clients and therefore remain discreet. But the point of reference remains the newsletter, whose format is now well established: two articles barely three pages long and a free-form spyglass, more open to the mood of the moment, when the articles want to get to the heart of the matter. So we rarely react to immediate news. As a matter of policy, we prefer to wait for the dust to settle, for events to become clear and finally known, so that we can concentrate on the essence of our work: strategic synthesis. Not analysis, but synthesis.

Continue reading “LB 250 bis (free) 10 years of La Vigie”

LV 150 : Turbulent return from hollydays | New strategic oscillation | Lornette: 5 questions to the reader

Letter from La Vigie, Nr 150, dated 16 Sept. 2020

Turbulent return from hollydays

The summer allowed the Frenchman to regain a certain normality. The world, for its part, has rather aggravated tensions: between a worrisome America, an ambiguous China, an Africa that is still going badly, a Mediterranean that is warming up, a painful European East, the return to school is turbulent and agitated. Let’s agree that our diplomacy has difficulty ordering these disorders and printing clear lines.

To read the article, click here

New strategic oscillation

The current strategic disorder is stimulated by the double opposition between actors : the rooted and emancipated ones within the states on the one hand, and the imperial and tributary ones in international society on the other. The states are hard hit by this. But the risks of a global security crisis are framed by powerful new regulators. How can we get out of this situation?

To read the article, click here

Lornette: 5 questions to the reader

As we entered the seventh year of publication of our bimonthly strategy letter, we wanted to know what our readers had to say about it. The following are five questions that will require two minutes of our readers’ attention and allow us to serve them well.

When you receive the announcement we send out (10,000 of you receive it twice a month), all you have to do is to reply (by email) with five numbers that will show your appreciation. We are counting on you.

  • Question n°1: Is the format of 6 pages and 2 articles suitable for you? Yes= 1; increase = 2; decrease = 3, indifferent = 4
    Question n°2 : Is the periodicity of publication convenient for you ? Yes = 1; increase = 2; decrease = 3.
    Question n°3 : is the subscription cost convenient for you ? Yes = 1; No : 2; indifferent = 3
    Question n°4: thematic, indicate 2 preferences among 6; geopolitics = 1, geostrategy = 2, geo-economics = 3, general strategy = 4, national security = 5, crises = 6.
    Question n°5: products, do you want other paying productions? confidential studies = 1, targeted advice = 2, training = 3, closed debates = 4.


Subscribers: click directly on the links to read online or download the pdf number (here), always with your login/password. New reader: read the article in the issue, by clicking on each article (2,5 €), or by subscribing (abo discovery 17 €, annual abo. orga 70 €, abo. orga 300 € HT): here, the different formulas.